2019 Calendar of Events for NCBA
January 1-31 Call to Prayer Month
January 17 Thursday, Executive Board Meeting. Sunny Brae 6;30
January 20 Sanctity of Life Sunday
February 11-17 Focus on WMU
February 22 Pastors and Wife’s Appreciation Dinner
March Association evangelism training (TBD)
March 17 Emphasis on Church Planting
March 10 Daylight Savings Time Begins
March 23 Women’s Retreat Pine Hill Church 9:30-2:30
April 4-6 Women’s Retreat at Camp Cazadero
April 21 Easter
April 22-24 Men’s Retreat at Camp Cazadero
May 2 National Day of Prayer,
May 4 NCBA Semi-annual meeting
May 12 Mothers’ Day
May 12-18 Christian Home Week
May 17-19 Minister’s Wive’s retreat Jenness Park
May 27 Memorial Day
June 10-11 SBC Pastors Conference Birmingham, www.SBCAnnualMeeting
June 11-12 SBC Annual Meeting. Birmingham, Al
June- Aug, Student (Summer) Missionaries
July 4 Independence Day
July 22-26 Children’s Camp Blue Slide
July 30-Aug 3 Youth Camp
Aug. 11 Student Evangelism
August Prayer for World Peace
August 12 Student Evangelism
August 18-24 Worship Music Week
September Month of Prayer for California Mission Offering
September 5 Executive Board Meeting Thursday 6:30
Sept, 15-19 Meetings with Mike Courtney, Rio Dell
October 6 LIfe Chain, Eureka, prayer for the unborn, to end abortion
October 12 Annual Association Meeting, 9-12 noon
October 22-24 California State Convention. Shadow Mt. Church El Cojon
Nov. 3 Daylight Savings time begins
December 2-9 Week of prayer for international missions, Lottie Moon
December 24 Christmas Eve services TBA